How to change qbcore loading screen

Changing the loading screen in QBCore involves modifying the resources that handle the loading screen. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

Step-by-Step Guide to Changing the QBCore Loading Screen

  1. Locate the Loading Screen Resource: Find the loading screen resource within your server’s resource files. This is often named something like qb-loading or similar.
  2. Backup the Original Files: Before making any changes, it’s a good idea to backup the original loading screen files in case you need to revert back.
  3. Edit the HTML, CSS, and JavaScript Files: The loading screen is typically made up of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files. You can edit these files to customize the appearance and behavior of the loading screen.
  4. Replace Images and Media: If you want to change images or add new media (e.g., background images, logos), place your new files in the appropriate directory and update the paths in the HTML/CSS files accordingly.
  5. Update fxmanifest.lua: Ensure that all the necessary files are listed in the fxmanifest.lua file of the loading screen resource.

Here’s an example structure of a typical loading screen resource:

- qb-loading
- html
- index.html
- style.css
- script.js
- images
- logo.png
- fxmanifest.lua

Example: Customizing index.html

  1. Open index.html and make changes to the HTML structure as needed.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<title>My Custom Loading Screen</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css">
<div class="loading-screen">
<img src="images/logo.png" alt="Logo">
<div class="loading-text">Loading...</div>
<script src="script.js"></script>
  1. Edit style.css to change styles, such as background color, font, and other visual elements.
body {
background-color: #282c34;
color: white;
font-family: Arial, sans-serif;
display: flex;
justify-content: center;
align-items: center;
height: 100vh;
margin: 0;

.loading-screen {
text-align: center;

.loading-screen img {
width: 200px;
margin-bottom: 20px;

.loading-text {
font-size: 24px;
  1. Edit script.js to add any custom JavaScript behavior.
// Add custom JavaScript if needed
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {
console.log('Loading screen is displayed');
  1. Update fxmanifest.lua to ensure all files are included.
fx_version 'cerulean'
game 'gta5'

author 'Your Name'
description 'Custom Loading Screen'
version '1.0.0'

files {

loadscreen 'html/index.html'
  1. Restart the Server: After making changes, restart your FiveM server to see the new loading screen in action.

Here change loading screen in Fivem server :

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