fivem loading screen with music

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FiveM loading screens with music can be a great way to improve the loading experience for your players and to create a more immersive and engaging atmosphere on your server. By choosing and using a loading screen with music wisely, you can make a positive first impression on your players and encourage them to stay connected to your qbcore server.

Immerse your FiveM players with a custom loading screen and music! Our scripts allow you to add your favorite audio tracks to your loading screen, creating a truly unique and engaging experience for your players. Easily configure the scripts to fit your server needs and create the perfect loading screen experience.

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A FiveM loading screen with music is a custom loading screen that is display to players while they are connecting to a qbcore server. It features a background image or video, as well as a music track that plays as players load in. Loading screens with music can be used to create a more immersive and engaging experience for players, and they can also be use to set a specific mood or atmosphere for the server.

Once you have configured the loading screen to your liking, you can start using it on your server. Simply restart your server and the loading screen will be use automatically.

 a background image or video that is relevant to your server’s theme and branding.

With a little bit of effort, you can create a FiveM loading screen with musics that is both visually appealing and engaging. This can help to improve the overall experience for your players and make your server more inviting.


  • open source
  • esay to use
  • discord info
  • server name
  • redit info
  • qbcore

Showcase of fivem loading screen with music


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